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Finding TEFL jobs in Central/South America (CELTA)
By/Re:JessM <jessiemacnair@hotmail.com>
1 May 2011


I thinking about doing the CELTA course in Sheffield this August, with the intention of working abroad in either Central or South America. So far, I've had a look for English teaching jobs out there and have found very few on the TEFL website.

Does anybody have experience of finding work in this part of the world (specifically Spanish speaking countries so Costa Rica, Argentina, Chile...)
Ideally I would like to set something up before I begin my trip. If this fails, does anyone have any tips on finding teaching jobs when out there?

Many thanks

Messages In This Thread

Finding TEFL jobs in Central/South America (CELTA) -- JessM 1 May 2011
Re Finding TEFL jobs in Central/South America (Resources) -- Lisa 2 May 2011

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