CELT Athens is primarily a TEFL training centre dedicated to teacher development, the pursuit of excellence in foreign language education, and is committed to a policy of equal opportunities. It was founded in 1993 and is an established Teacher Education in Greece. To date, more that 2,500 Foreign Language teachers, directors of studies and administrators have attended courses at CELT and our trainees come not only from Greece, but from many other countries (the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, S.Africa and more).
Situated in the heart of Athens, in the very centre of the capital of Greece, it is an excellent place to begin or enhance your career in TEFL as well as experience living in an exciting European city with so much to do in its present and see of its past.
To find out where we are located click on this link: http://tiny.cc/kgHTc
CELT Athens trainees are supported in more than one ways both prior as well as while and after completing a course at CELT. Here are some of the ways:
The CELT Athens tutorial team includes some of the best-known teacher trainers both in Greece as well as in other countries. Most are well-known authors with Macmillan ELT or Cambridge University Press. You can read their bios here: http://www.celt.edu.gr/celt_tutors.htm
CELT Athens trainees have free access to one of the best TEFL Methodology Libraries which includes all the books they need for their background reading during their course. The library contains more than 4,000 titles.
In addition, they have access to:
... and of course, all current EFL coursebooks & supplementary books on the market.
In addition, CELTA trainees have
As a CELT trainee you will receive specially designed preparation study packages both BEFORE the course starts as well as SELF ACCESS material for use DURING and AFTER the course. Material is given both in print and CD-Rom format
The CELTA website is password protected and exclusive for the use of CELT ATHENS trainees.
Through this website, they have access to
A special "Bookshelf" link gives them access to whole books free to download
Local and international jobs are made available to CELT trainees through networking with schools; a job board (both at the centre as well as on the web) will help you during and after your course; special sessions on the course include counselling on job interviews, writing CV's (resumes) and a mentoring scheme is in place for those who wish to spend some time observing and working with a more experienced teacher before they venture out to a new job.
We help you find very reasonably priced accommodation starting from 300 Euros per month in furnished flats with Wi-fi, A/C and all utilities covered in rates above.
1/ For those interested in studying Grammar before their course start, a short individual or small group course can be arranged face to face or online to prepare well for the CELTA. Tuition for this course is 200 Euros.
2/ For those interested in also learning some Modern Greek during their course, we offer a special free introductory course to Modern Greek which is blended with 10 hours face to face and 20 hours online. This course is free of charge.
3/ For those who would like to do some volunteer teaching as part of their apprenticeship, both to gain more experience as well as to be able to use this experience in their resume (CV!) we offer a mentoring scheme where we partner a trainee with one of the local schools for a period which can be negotiated.
05-10-09 to 30-10-09
02-11-09 to 27-11-09
01-02-10 to 26-02-10
31-05-10 to 25-06-10
05-07-10 to 30-07-10
02-08-10 to 27-08-10
30-09-10 to 24-09-10
01-11-10 to 26-11-10
Tuition (including the Cambridge assessment fee) is: 1450 Euros
TO APPLY PLEASE VISIT http://www.celt.edu.gr/application_to_register.htm and select the Cambridge CELTA application form in Word.doc format.
To contact the Director of Courses (Marisa Costantinides)
E-mail: info@celt.edu.gr
Skype: marisa.constantinides.celt
Twitter: Marisa_C
Facebook: Marisa Constantinides