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Teaching in Europe (Jobs, Native_Speakers)
By/Re:Michael <georgeman2009@gmail.com>
2 November 2010

Does anybody know the chances of getting a job teaching English in Europe after completing the TESOL? I am EU/American citizen and have been living in the U.S. for the past 15 years (I am not a native speaker of English). I have a B.A. in English and Literature from an accredited university in Brazil and also hold a teaching licensure issue by the Brazilian Ministry of Education. I also attended a M.A. program in Comparative Literature at UNC (80% complete). I have taught English in Brazil and Portuguese in the U.S. in the past to teens and adults in group and individual settings.

Any comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Messages In This Thread

Teaching in Europe (Jobs, Native_Speakers) -- Michael 2 November 2010
Re Teaching in Europe -- Natalie Fleming 17 November 2010

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