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Texas ISD School Guide


Re The shabby and rubbish world of ESL
8 May 2011

I am no expert on Europe, but the same warnings apply there in regard to ESL as in Asia. ESL/EFL is totally money driven, and people open schools only to make money. Educational standards are not at all high on the agenda.

Like Turnoi and myself usually say, the public sector jobs are almost always safer and better, but there are also rubbish public universities. The problem has gotten worse in China in recent years. If you don't have much money and you are under 35 then don't come to China. It is a waste of time to teach here unless you are older and secure and have seperate income sources offshore. They pay here is crap if it is what you are totally dependant on to live. Part of 5000, even 10,000 rmb a month saved up won't go far in UK/Europe when you return.

I'd keep away from China, Thailand, if I was you. These are best for divorced guys over 40 who want to start a new life. For others, a waste of time IMO, and they should be avoided.

Messages In This Thread

Re The shabby and rubbish world of ESL (CELTA, TESOL) -- Lisa 2 May 2011
Re The shabby and rubbish world of ESL -- Silverboy 8 May 2011
Re The shabby and rubbish world of ESL -- Bavarian bier 10 May 2011
Re The shabby and rubbish world of ESL -- Silverboy 10 May 2011

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