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Master's TESOL Student Looking to Interview an EFL Teacher in Japan (General, Native_Speakers)
By/Re:nasunny <nasunnyda@gmail.com>
9 May 2010

I am a student in a master’s TESOL program in San Diego.
For one of my class projects I must interview an EFL teacher.
I am looking for someone who is teaching or who has taught English in Japan.
I would like to get some basic information about you experience teaching in Japan.
If you are interested, please respond as soon as possible so that I can meet my report due date. Thank you.

• It is not necessary for me to know your name. However, I would like to know a brief biography of your teaching background, and in particular how you came to be teaching in Japan.

• Please describe your current teaching context. What kind of school is it? What kind of students attend? What are your duties and responsibilities at the school?

• Please describe Japan's, your school’s, and your students’ views of education. What are their views of learning English?

• Please describe the classroom behavior of your students. How does their behavior differ from students’ behavior in your home country? How have you had to adapt to their classroom behavior? Items that you might comment on include: study habits, group work, behavior on tasks, etc.

• Please describe how your teaching behavior may be different than what your students are used to. How have you had to adapt your teaching style to match the expectations of Japan culture, of your school, and of your students? How do native teachers of Japan differ from you in their teaching style?

• What advice would you give to a foreigner who wants to go to Japan to teach English?

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