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Texas ISD School Guide


Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? (CELTA)
By/Re:Apollyon <shittyenglish@hotmail.com>
21 May 2011

So what are you saying Turnoi? Dont bother becoming a CELTA qualified teacher unless you have a degree or unless you like low paid crappy teaching jobs for your career?

Teaching in the orient is not a career, it's for ne'er-do-well, not the sharpest tool in the box types like myself who certainly wouldn't be able to make the grade as a proper teacher in own country. A CELTA course only takes 4 or 5 weeks, any nitwit can do it with a modicum of understanding of the English language. It'll help you get by teaching white monkey English to foreigners. I myself did a TEFL alongside a labourer in a metal foundry and an ex-vagrant who was sleeping rough on the Charing Cross Embankment. I have a degree but that doesn't make me a proper teacher. Nevertheless, I have a good time in China but it's only a very long working holiday. I wish people would stop bandying about words like career and profession in connection to FT'S.

A CELTA or TEFL may get you a more favourable working holiday, better than going home to stand in the soup queue.

Messages In This Thread

Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? (CELTA) -- Jack 20 May 2011
Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? (CELTA) -- Apollyon 21 May 2011
Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? (CELTA vs TESOL) -- Jack 22 May 2011
Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? (CELTA) -- Silverboy 25 May 2011
Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? -- Jack 25 May 2011
Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? -- Silverboy 26 May 2011
Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? -- Apollyon 23 May 2011
Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? -- runnning scared 25 May 2011
Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? -- Tiger Beer 24 May 2011
Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? -- Apollyon 25 May 2011
Re: Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? -- BusEireannBiddy 13 January 2013
Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? (CELTA vs TESOL) -- San Mig Beer 22 May 2011

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