In Response To: Getting a TESOL school accredited (Chris G.)
Exactly who or what would accredit a school? I think successful students would give the only accreditation needed. My experience has led me to believe that although there are formal institutions that provide expensive tesl/tefl training and certification, the certificate is not really scrutinized by the foreign schools. The certificate is used to CTA for government regulations and most schools couldn't care less from where the certificate came. My certificate from an online school (connected to by this site, may I add) at an affordable rate has me earning as much side by side with the graduates from the large institutions such as Cambridge, etc... and I have taught 3 years in China.
Messages In This Thread
- Getting a TESOL school accredited (General) -- Chris G. 2 March 2005
- Tesl Accreditation -- Terri 2 March 2005