Hello, My name is Alex and I hope this is the right place for this:
I need to interview a current ESL teacher for an assignment at TAMU-CC, and I know none, so the internet was my choice. If someone could be kind enough to answer my interview questions (even with a few words each), I would greatly appreciate it!
1. In which countries are the emerging and major job markets for ESL?
2. What are the most difficult things, related to writing, in TESOL?
3. What was it like actually living in those countries?
4. What type of writing did you do on a daily basis? Include email, SMS (text), ETC
5. In what ways did you use reading and writing in a professional capacity?
6. What was required of you when applying for school contracts?
7. What advice would you give to an aspiring ESL teacher who plans to move overseas after graduation?
8. Why did you choose to teach ESL overseas? Did your experience fulfill your expectations and desires?
9. What was the most difficult part of the visa processes for the nations you taught in?
10. Did you have any difficulties adjusting to the cultures of the various places you went? If so, what were they?