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Jennifer: English Outside the Box <> - 2014-10-23

What is English Outside the Box?
It is private English education, teaching you "outside the box," that is.. outside of the traditional classroom. As the head teacher, I strive to help students reach their English goals. Whether your goal is to practice conversational skills and pronunciation, grammar, reading, writing, listening, or academic test preparation, you've come to the right place. Using an immersion and communicative approach, you'll improve various skill areas in every lesson.

I teach all ages, and every level, from beginner to advanced!

Some of the specific classes I offer:

Conversation with Grammar
Conversation Focused (General English)
Academic Test Preparation (TOEFL, IELTS, etc)
English Through TV Series & Film
Academic or General English Writing
English for Travel
Small group (2+ students) *discounts available

My prices are $30 for a 1 hour class, online via Skype or Google HangOut (more if writing edits are being done outside of the lesson)
To schedule your free trial lesson, or more information please visit:

If you're interested in free English education and lessons, check out English Outside the Box's learning blog:

I look forward to meeting you! Happy Studying! <3

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