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QuQuABC <> - 2016-06-09

Looking for English online tutor for 5-15 years old Kids

QuQuABC is an online English learning platform, developed by Hangzhou Feizhu Technology Co., Ltd, that provides Chinese kids with access to Native English speakers through one on four online class. Now we are recruiting experienced and passionate native speakers as online tutors.

Job description and requirements

Job Duties: Teaching courses to K-12 students who are learning English as a foreign language through one on four online course. QuQuABC will provides courses of various topics for tutors to use.

 Language Proficiency: Must be a English native speaker. Applicants with TEFL/TESOL/CELTA certificate or K-12 teaching experience will be preferred;
 Stable & High Internet Access (Required);
 Computer with Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10.
 Quiet Environment;
 Be patient and passionate to kids as well as giving high-quality English classes to Chinese your students

Benefits of Becoming a QuquABC Tutor:
 You get $14 per hour for teaching!
 You get a Referral bonus of $30!
 You get a Constant and stable students source!
 You get a $35 performance turning students from the assessment courses into attending regular classes for each one!
 You get a win-win for both you and your student...what more could you ask for?!

WORKING HOURS (part-time)
Tutor shall work at least 12 hours a week(24 slots a week, 30 minutes for each slot).
Period of time for open slots:
Week Schedule (Monday ~ Saturday)
6:00 PM ~ 10:00 PM Beijing Time
We also have full-time positions available with a $2100basis salary!

How Do We Pay?
You get paid on all Assessment class & probationary periods!
You get paid on converting students into regular courses!
You get paid via PayPal!

Join us today!
Please visit And fill out the Application form asap!
Please send your CV to, after which we'll arrange a Skype interview for you.

Lina Zhang
HangZhou China

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