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· Previous · Next Return to Index › Others: Innovative online math and reading exercises for kids <> - 2018-03-29

Dear Parents,

Are your students missing assignments grades, or having a difficult time in school? We can help you put those days behind yourself. I have an exciting offer. Would you like to see your children achieve and excel from grade to grade level at home under your supervision. Beestar is there for your student or child 24 hours per day. Students often forget what they learned from the previous year in the start of the new school year. Beestar is a wonderful program for home school. Bestseller can be used to help students catch up and refresh themselves while out of school. Students are able to work at their pace and move from level to level and module to module without help. Beestar also has printable worksheets to help students and assist students who want to learn in a different way. Beestar incorporates core curriculum. Once students begin to use the Beestar system they will become self-sufficient for years to come because of the tool they learned in this program. Beestar is for students of all ages. You can monitor their progress online. Your student will start the year completely prepared. Beestar can be used to help students as a tutoring tool for students that go to regular school. School does not have to be difficult.


Yolanda Parker
Marketing Representative

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