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Juli <> - 2016-06-27

Internationally experienced teacher and tutor in Reading, Writing, Language Skills

Over 12 years experience with one-on-one classes for students of all ages! Passionate to work with all types of learners! I believe in tailoring classes to fit the needs of each type of learner; visual, kinesthetic (tactile), listening or a combination of any!

Please be in contact to set up a class time for your child. I have a degree in sociology and political science, in addition to a Masters in Education. I am also bi-lingual, English/Spanish.

I also enjoy tutoring Elementary and Middle School Math, Social Studies, Science, and test preparation. My specialty is working one-on-one to design classes just for your child!

I have taught and tutored students from Mexico, Central and South America, Viet Nam, China, Korea, Russia, Germany and Italy.

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