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Madonna Escobia <> - 2015-08-01


This is to inform that I have the skills and training to fill the position of Online English Tutor.

Let me tell you something about myself.

In my most recent position as Call Center Agent for US business account, I have developed the ability to speak very good English with neutral accent. I have lots of patience and I always treat others with respect and a friendly attitude. I also possess excellent interpersonal and organizational skills. I am reliable, punctual, self motivated and I know that I have the skills and experience you are searching for in a tutor. I can create daily work schedules and exams and I am very creative, which will help you get engaged.

With my skills, international experience and love for language education, I believe I would be an ideal fit for Online English Tutor.

Please feel free to contact me thru Skype (ID: donnaescobia) or email to set up a meeting.

Thank you for your interest and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Madonna Escobia

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