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Tutor-UK <> - 2016-02-06


We are extremely qualified UK Examiners and Educators.

You can receive tutoring with native English or bilingual teachers. For example, if you speak Spanish, you can be taught English by a native English teacher, or by an English speaker who also speaks fluent Spanish.

Take individual lessons, or follow the complete language course (see our course outline on our website). Lesson times are flexible! Learn English (e.g. British-English, American-English) at any level (Basic- Advanced, and exams - e.g. CAE, CPE, FCE, IELTS, TOEFL).

Our language lessons are designed for anyone wishing to develop their language skills to an excellent level. All of our teachers have access to language specifications and course materials. You can also request to use your own course books, or focus on particular aspects of your choice.

Learn English on Skype, via facebook chat, telephone or on our online platform. Learn English to an exceptional level. Study for business, leisure, college, school and so forth.

You will be taught how to develop your language skills with utmost confidence.

IELTS: We teach you what to study and how to effectively study for your IELTS and TOEFL exams. To find examination centres and to know which dates IELTS and TOEFL exams are available in your country, click on the following links:

IELTS (International English Language Testing System)

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)

Tutor-UK language classes also include, but are not limited to:

Level tests: To test your level of English

English as a Foreign Language for children (reading, writing, listening, speaking, phonetics, tests)

English as a Foreign Language for teens (reading, writing, listening, speaking, phonetics, tests)

English as a Foreign Language for adults (reading, writing, listening, speaking, phonetics, exams)

Business English (reading, writing, listening, speaking, phonetics, exam prep)

English in the workplace (to help you adjust to/advance in specific language used within the work place)

English for school, college and university (to help you become better acquainted with the type and standard of language required for school, college and university studies)

English for fun/your own leisure

Different British dialects (e.g. Learn one or more British dialect - e.g. Geordie, Scottish-English)

Different ways to speak English (learn one or more dialect - e.g. American-English, Australian-English)

English exam preparation

Teacher-training for English educators and aspiring educators (lessons to prepare you for and to enhance your current teaching practice)

The History of English (all levels - e.g. Undergraduate, M.A.)

It would be great to assist you.

Contact us today!


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