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Angloville <> - 2016-05-25

Would you like to receive a TEFL CERTIFICATE FOR FREE? Stay at a nicely located countryside venue with meals and accommodation provided while getting teaching experience?

Welcome to Angloville!

Angloville invites you to participate in a language immersion / cultural exchange program where you will meet successful professionals from Central and Eastern Europe, try local cuisine and enjoy your stay in the beautiful countryside.. free of charge.
All of the above is guaranteed, as you help our students improve their English through a series of conversations and activities during our 6 day programmes. After you've completed your online 120-hour TEFL course and completed two separate 6-day programmes, you receive your certificate and are TEFL certified!
The programme is aimed at out-going people who enjoy conversing, networking and taking part in activities during the whole week.

Highlights include:
1. Participation in an extremely unique and fulfilling experience teaching English and learning about European culture.
2. Free tours and cultural trips, lunch included, of Warsaw, Krakow, Wrocław, Bucharest, Prague, Dublin and Budapest!
3. Enjoy conversations with local participants and native English speakers from around the world.

For more information about how to apply, visit or email

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