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Eric McGoy <> - 2014-10-26

Hello !
My name is Eric McGoy. I’m 40 years old, half Lithuanian, single father with 2 beautiful kids.
I have completed the TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) and AL (Applied Linguistics) Programs at Teachers College, Columbia University and I used to work as a teacher in several schools.

I am a teacher but for the last several years, because of better income and children, I make my living by trading art Antiques . I love teaching and love art as well as philosophy very much - there for all my spare time I dedicate to teaching students all around the world via Skype and the payment I get I donate to art and philosophy foreign students.

I have the qualification, patience and ability to teach you English in a grammatically and pedagogically correct structure. I have been teaching students from different countries via Skype for more than 10 years now and I can assure: If You are modern - You will improve rapidly and easy.

To schedule a test lesson with me, please send a message to megagamma on Skype and I will get back to you as soon as possible. The first lesson is free of charge. No payment in advance - pay only for the lessons you already had. You can choose: Everyday Conversational English, Vocabulary building exercises, English for Schoolchildren, English for Business, English for Managers and Executives, English for Politicians and Medics, IELTS.

I will work with you on pronunciation, professional English vocabulary and improve your core English language skills the first instance.
p.s. do not call me on the phone, please.


Your Private Teacher,

Eric McGoy

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