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Dave Clancy <> - 2016-09-03

Dave Clancy
Tanza, Cavite


Objective: Accomplished educator with demonstrated ability to teach, motivate, and direct students while maintaining high interest and achievement. Articulate communicator able to effectively interact with diverse populations of students at a variety of academic levels. Consistently maintain excellent relations with students, parents, faculty, and administrators.

ESL Teacher
-As an ESL Teacher I can help students whose native language is not English to succeed in college and at work. I can teach in different levels and skill areas: listening/speaking, reading, writing/grammar and vocabulary/spelling. Students receive high quality instruction designed to meet their language interests and goals.

Who should take my classes?

Students whose goals are in any or all of the following areas:
To strengthen their English language skills
To develop good study skills
To build knowledge in various academic or vocational subject areas
To earn vocational certification
To pursue a college or university degree (AA, AS, BA, BS)
To practice English in interaction with students from many countries

6 years of teaching in Knoxdale Public School.
6 years of being an English private teacher for foreigners like Japanese, Koreans, Chinese and Philippians.
Implemented varied strategies and differentiated assessments in order to accommodate diverse needs of students who were transitioning from various feeder schools.

University of Toronto. 1984-1989
BS, in teaching English.
Devry Technical Institute 1999-2000
A+ certification. Computer technician.

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