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Caroline Butler <> - 2014-09-21

Hi, I'm Caroline. I'm an experienced Speech-Language Pathologist & Accent Modification Coach providing accent reduction courses available in the Chicago area and worldwide online. I'm a native English speaker and a second-language learner myself (French), so I understand how frustrating it is to be continually misunderstood.

Often times ESL classes teach you the proper grammar and vocabulary, but they don't spend as much time focusing on pronunciation or figurative language that so many Americans use. This leaves you with the ability to speak English but your accent prevents you from being understood consistently and you may find it harder to relate to fellow Americans.

I can help you acquire a 50% to 70% improvement in your American English pronunciation and communication skills in 12 weeks or less. My method consists of transcribing your speech phonetically against American English and targeting the sounds that will help you speak with more of a neutral American accent.

I assist professionals in acquiring better: communication, public speaking, presenting, interviewing, and telephone speaking skills. Accent modification also improves your image and your self-confidence while opening you up to more career advancement opportunities.

If you are interested in learning more, contact us, or check out the Accent Savvy website.

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Good luck with your ESL goals and I hope to hear from you!

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