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Stuart Birkenhead <> - 2015-08-18

Hello, and thanks for taking the time to read this.

Firstly, when you join Angloville, for one, or more, of it's many programs in Poland and Hungary, your meals and accommodation will be provided free of charge.

And now for a question.......Would you like to meet new volunteer friends from such places as the USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK, Eire amongst many others, and also meet Polish and Hungarian participants and help them with their English speaking skills? If the answer is yes,........ then..........................Welcome to Angloville!

Angloville focuses on enabling a cultural and linguistic exchange between the native English speakers and Polish or Hungarian participants who are keen to improve their English speaking skills whilst having something of a holiday as well.
During the program you will speak in English to the participants, encouraging them to write things down, ask you questions etc. You can help them by explaining things clearly, providing them with new vocabulary and phrases, and putting them all into a context to check understanding. We will give you instruction, and materials to help you along!

The program enables the participants to meet native English speakers who they perhaps don't normally have a chance to communicate with regularly. During the program they will tell you about their lives, interests, their culture, and vice versa. You will be involved in negotiations, telephone role plays etc. You will also have fun as the program invites you to get involved by coordinating games and activities to involve the entire group. Pictionary, taboo, a pub quiz, sports, a field trip, enjoying the venues amenities during free time, are all part of the program too and you are welcome to bring your own creative ideas along with you.

So, what’s included:

• Free accommodation and meals during your stay in a countryside venue in the heart of Poland or Hungary.

• A free tour (lunch included) of Wroclaw, Warsaw, Budapest (depending on which location you leave from)

• Free transportation from the departure city to the venue, and the return journey also.

• A valuable and memorable experience with native Polish / Hungarian participants, and fellow volunteers who are very possibly as interested in experiencing other cultures as you are

There are many reasons to volunteer for Angloville. One thing’s for sure: it’ll be an extremely unique and fulfilling experience that will provide you with quite a few new interesting friends.

The requirements
To be a successful applicants you must be:
1. At least 23 years of age
2. Your level of English has to be at C1 (Common European Framework) therefore advanced.
3. Be enthusiastic and a good conversationalist (since you will be conversing with people for at least 12 hours a day).

You might be a retired teacher, you might be a student who wants to gain some teaching experience. You may be passionate about linguistics. You may be someone who is spending a year travelling around the world. Whatever your story is, we would love to hear from you. Diversity at the program is one ingredient that makes for a special time.

Dates available in 2015:

Angloville Poland (1 on 1 sessions with adults)

◦06-11 September (Dwor Zabuze in Zabuze)
◦13-18 September (Chojnik Hotel in Karkonoskie Mountains)
◦27 September – 2 October (Chojnik Hotel in Karkonoskie Mountains)
◦27 September – 2 October (Stara Stajnia Hotel in Zawidowice)
◦04-09 October (Dwor Zabuze in Zabuze)
◦11-16 October (Stara Stajnia Hotel in Zawidowice)
◦18-23 October (Chojnik Hotel in Karkonoskie Mountains)
◦8-13 November (Chojnik Hotel in Karkonoskie Mountains)
◦15-20 November (Dwor Zabuze in Zabuze)
◦22-27 November (Chojnik Hotel in Karkonoskie Mountains)
◦29 November – 4 December (Dwor Zabuze in Zabuze)

Tandem House (2 on 1 sessions with adults in Poland)

◦21-26 September (Wolka Milanowska in Swietokrzyskie Mountains)
◦26-31 October (Dwor Moscibrody in Wisniew)

Angloville weekend (Business conference, Warsaw.....3 days, Fri-Sun)

◦18-20 September (Centrum Okopowa)
◦23-25 October (Centrum Okopowa)

Angloville Hungary

◦13-18 September (Monor, Nyerges Hotel Termál)
◦04-09 October (Arany Kocsag Hotel)
◦08-13 November (Arany Kocsag Hotel)
◦29 November – 4 December (Monor, Nyerges Hotel Termál)

Please go to our website to read some posts from previous volunteers, or you can look on our facebook page 'volunteer at angloville.'
Our application form and calendar, as well as picture gallery, can all be found on our website.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

The Angloville team


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