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ricardo blanco <> - 2015-10-13

Do you want to learn to speak Spanish?

I am a person with experience in teaching Spanish and English to people of all ages, but I have a preference for teaching adults with difficulties and fears in learning, such as scenic terror, insecurity to talk and with their speech, phonetics, intonation and rhythm.

I help my students to have trust and confidence when they´re speaking and in the use of voice, because I am also a professional speaker and interviewer journalist, and an English and Spanish teacher specialized in insecurity to talk, reading and writing.

I like to work with affection, patience and dedication with the student, putting my self in his place, analyzing their strengths and weaknesses and trying to create in the student a sincere desire for learn.

Many people spent years saying they´re studying a language, and the fact is that they´re starting for two or three weeks and then leave to start again months later.The reason? They are not motivated enough or they´re not been helped to identify their strengths and weaknesses.

With my system, I can help my students to really motivate their selves, to identify their strengths and weaknesses and to have a certain and permanent decision, with great confidence and enthusiasm, to really speaking English and Spanish.

Thanks, muchas gracias.

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