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ahmed <> - 2015-05-01

I offer you Arabic language lessons in Cairo in order for you to start learning or to improve your Arabic – Egyptian Colloquial Arabic and Modern Standard Arabic.

Different learning options are offered for all language needs in Cairo.

The goal of my private lessons is to provide both a natural and intensive learning method in Arabic as a foreign language.

My different options all have in common the immersion factor, which would help to noticeably improve:

• Your oral comprehension (at certain levels, the teacher speaks 100% in Egyptian Arabic)
• Your oral expression (accent, memorization of idiomatic phrases etc.)
• Your writing skills (grammatical structures, etc.)

As a professional AFL teacher who is a native speaker:

I identify the learner's difficulties and work on his/her gaps depending on the profile:

• New goals are given to talented learners so they can improve their level.
• The tutor accompanies learners in difficulties so they can slowly but surely overcome the language barriers!

My main goal is to pass on the language as a « tool-language » and not as a mere course.

To book your first lesson, I can be reached at:

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