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Jenny <> - 2014-08-05

Hi! My name is Jenny. I am 26 years old and I want to be a part-time online English tutor. I am a graduate of a Bachelor's Degree but have not practiced the profession. Instead, after graduating in college, I applied and got hired as an English teacher here in the Philippines and have been employed in a company for five months. There I have handled Korean students with ages ranging from 6 to 25 and have experienced how it is to interact with them. I must say that it has been both a joy and a challenge teaching them that I have decided to seek jobs that would lead me to teaching people with the same nationality again. I'm looking forward to meeting and imparting my knowledge to my future students. Here are my strongest points which I think would be of biggest help in teaching:

- listens and carefully analyzes a student's individual needs

- adjusts to the age, culture and level of English communication one has

- adapts to the learning style and prepares the appropriate teaching technique for the student

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