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ahmed <> - 2015-04-03

You'd like to speak Arabic. You'd like to read and write. You'd like to understand what's going on. You'd like to pursue an academic program…..
Lessons tailored to you and your life style!
Learn what you want to learn

What do I offer?

Modern Standard Arabic lessons
Egyptian Colloquial Arabic lessons
Conversational Arabic lessons
Business Arabic lessons
Islamic culture lessons
English/Arabic/English translation lessons
Arabic for Special Purposes (ASP)

Why choose me?

Dedicated tutor
Personal service - you'll always speak to the same person
Responsive - I might even arrange lessons the same day!
Great value - I offer you the best teaching service at the best rates
Fully qualified and experienced tutor and AFL lecturer.

More Details

Communicative approach
Tuition at your own place at times to suit you
No extra charge for my traveling time or expenses
Learn from a native speaker

Contact me via emailing at:

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