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Veronika <> - 2014-06-16

My name is Veronika, I am a qualified and friendly ESL tutor with over 10 years of experience helping students of levels from elementary up to advanced.

I teach English via Skype which makes it possible for my students to study the language from any country of the world. Studying via Skype is really comfortable and easy - you need just a good Internet connection, a computer and some free time.

My first 15-minute class is free.
I tutor - everyday English (that includes English for tourists and preparation for interviews at embassies),

- academic English,

- English for business - general and specific (that includes English for top management, marketing/ economy, business administration, business trips, preparation for interviews at international companies and preparation for business negotiations),

- IELTS, TOEFL and Russian State Exam,

I also tutor offline classes. They are usually convenient for those students who are super busy and do not have enough time for regular online classes. Offline classes include a structural homework with grammar/ phonetic/ lexical material and an audio task for the student to make. I check the task via the email and give the necessary corrections/ recommendations.

I can help you improve your speaking, writing, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, reading, translating, etc.
I know how boring grammar can be, so I mostly use communication in English at my classes. I help my students learn all aspects of English by communicating with them as much as possible.

During my Skype classes I create a friendly, nice and positive environment so that my students feel comfortable and encouraged to gradually overcome their language barrier and move forward in their language learning. For each class I give homework/ creative tasks, and I often include the element of home reading, and audio/ video files.

I am very enthusiastic and have a good sense of humor. I teach English to students from all over the world and I love it so much!

My first class is free. It lasts 15 minutes, and it is introductory. I have a short 'interview' with my future students, define their level of English, and together we plan our schedule and course.

Regular classes cost 18$/ 60 minutes. Students prepay three, five or ten classes via PayPal and then we study according to the discussed schedule.
Offline classes are 15$/ per class. Students usually prepay three classes via PayPal.

My Russian students are welcome to see more information at my web-site

My international web-site link

For more information and a free lesson, please e-mail me at

Look forward to hearing from you!


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