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jasono <> - 2014-06-26

I am an experienced teacher and lecturer, and have recently worked in Russia helping non-native speakers to become more fluent, increase their vocabulary, improve their pronunciation and build their confidence. I was born in England and have a neutral British accent.

I have been a professional teacher for the past 13 years, initially teaching music at colleges, and later on, teaching English at private schools. I now want to focus on teaching English online. My qualifications include a first-class honours degree, a PGCE and a TEFL.

My main aim is to help you improve your spoken English. I do this through the use of a relaxed, patient and friendly approach. We will focus on topics and areas that are relevant to you and everyday life. The main objective is to get you speaking and having fun on the way. I can also help you with any grammar that you are unsure of.

Skype lessons are 60 minutes long.

If you are interested, please send me a private message or go to website indicated

Hope to work with you soon)

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