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Leyla <> - 2014-07-16

Hello! I am Leyla, an experienced online English language tutor. I am a native English speaker (from America), and I am excited to help you on your English journey!

I am the owner of Empower English Tutoring, an online English tutoring company, and I use the following technology to help you improve your language skills:

    Google Hangout
    Video chat
    Screen sharing
    Videos relevant to your lesson
    Online whiteboard

Free 30-minute consultation.

I design CUSTOMIZED lessons to help you meet your goals in learning English. I am skilled in teaching children, young adults, college students, business people, and anyone else who wants to improve his or her READING, WRITING, LISTENING, and SPEAKING in English. I have taught academic, business, and general English. I can also help you prepare for the IELTS or TOEFL exams!

I also offer document proofreading services, so if you need someone to correct your grammar, punctuation, or general style for an article, essay, report, or presentation let me know!

Check out my About page to learn more about my background and skills
Services page:
Online store:
To contact me:

I look forward to working with you! Best wishes as you practice!


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