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Alan, London, UK <> - 2015-07-10

Immediate start


I was born and raised in London, England and I currently reside in London. I have been teaching the Callan Method for almost 4 years now and these are some of the most common questions I get asked.


Why cant I speak English even though I have studied all the grammar ?

Why are my friends and family able to speak English so well but I struggle with English so much?

My friends and family and even my teacher tell me that I need to study more. They must know whats best for me right!.... Right?


!!! W R O N G !!!


If you try and learn how to speak in the same way as you learned how to read and write you wont succeed. It's like trying to learn how to drive a car by ridding a bike; ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!

How does the Guarantee work?

A guarantee is given if you are falling behind the other students at any stage within the "Callan Method" you will be given 2 x 1 hour private lesson a week. This will help you to propagate your sentence structure. And bring you level with the other students.

Plus if you complete stages 1 to 11 of the Callan Method we guarantee you a 7.0 pass on the spoken element of the IELTS test.

What is the difference between writing and speaking or reading and speaking Alan?
Its a good question and the answer is simple. Reading and writing are intellectual skills. They both require you to think and analyse.
Speaking is a mechanical skill. Less thinking and more action.

We don't learn how to ride a bike by reading a manual. We learn how to ride a bike by getting on the bike and peddling, also ridding a bike is easier when you are moving quickly. Its exactly the same when learning how to speak. You must actually speak and speak quickly.

What is the Callan Method?
Using its carefully designed materials, the Callan Method engages learners developing their ability to understand and speak English instinctively, without first translating from their native language.

The Callan Method involves constant speaking practice. The teacher corrects all errors immediately in a simple and effective manner, helping learners to identify and eradicate their mistakes permanently.

How much do you charge for classes?
Classes are £6 each and are charged by the hour, you can buy 10, 20 or 40 classes at a time using our website at or you may also pay directly using PayPal.

OK Alan so I want to learn how to speak what do I do next?

Book an assessment Or purchase Stage 1 on our website ( and get a free one hour assessment in preparation for the course or simply join me on Skype at: alan_jh1

What happens if I don't like the Callan Method?

If you don't like the callan Method and you decide to leave before the end of the first stage, just send me a message and I will give you a complete refund (£36). I wont even ask you why you left if you prefer not to tell me


-Or you can contact me via my website:
immediate start...

Skype ID: alan_jh1
you can contact me directly using the Skype ID above.

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