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ESOL Allie <> - 2015-08-19

Study global, stay local

- Study from the comfort of your own home or any quiet place, anywhere in the world! The classroom comes to you at your very own convenience–equipped with your personal, native-English speaking tutor.
- Get expert guidance and coaching from a knowledgeable teacher, and access to unlimited learning materials to help you get the results you need.
- We offer some of the most affordable tutoring rates on the internet. There is a plan to suit every budget, whether you decide to study individually, or in small groups.
- Get the language you need to succeed in today’s competitive global marketplace. Boost your vocabulary for business, power pack your writing, and discuss current topics and themes in the world of business.
- We focus on developing your fluency and communicative skills. Therefore, we ensure that your lessons are student-centered, relevant, engaging, and integrating the key language skills.

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