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· Previous · Next Return to Index › English Tutor: English, Maths and Science Tutoring Offered; next to Jiuyuanqiao, & close to Nuiwangmiao station
Eltonmoxie <> - 2015-12-13

There is nothing more effective or efficient than being taught one-on-one by a talented and knowledgeable teacher. Unfortunately even the best classroom teachers and lecture hall professors can't calibrate their lessons to give you the attention you/ your child deserves, but i can..!

I am currently looking for more students, to join my classes. School work, homework/assignment guidance, exam preparation (CIE/ SAT prep etc), business English or conversation and much more. Also get an opportunity for one-to-one Basketball, football and tennis coaching.

Classes will be held at my place, situated next to Jiuyuanqiao, & close to Nuiwangmiao station.
*Rates are supper affordable..! *Group discounts also available..!
Please contact me as soon as possible, once I am fully booked I won't be able to take new students.

WeChat: Eltonmoxie


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