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Jeff Raymond <> - 2018-03-29

Hello everyone. I am Jeff. I have been working with college students from China online now for a year that are getting ready for their English speaking IELTS exam. I charge $10.00 to $20.00 usd per hour depending on how much work your needing. Most of my students start with band score of 5.0 at least. I have been able to get them in 3 weeks to reach 5.5 or even 6.0. The ones that have given me enough time, they have gone up to 7.5 in China. Not everyone can do that of course, how ever though if you put in the effort so will I. Hard work does pay off. Email me and lets see what I can do to help you achieve your goals. I have had over 200 students so far. 75% that started with 5.0 band reached 6.0 or higher. Not everyone puts in enough effort. That's just natural behavior.
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