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Teacher Luca <> - 2016-08-16

Hello Everybody, I am teacher Luca, a friendly and fun teacher to have(so they say) and have helped many students especially young children improve their English language skills. I thrive in dynamic environments and love nothing better than a new challenge where I can utilise all my skills and make a significant contribution. I enjoy the rewards of helping ESL students to communicate better in English and making a change in their life in a meaningful way.I am currently private tutoring via Skype and QQ. I have a collection of e-books suitable for all levels of students starting from toddlers up to Adult learners. I have been private tutoring for over 6 years now.

Please add my skype account: english.esl1

I have attached a picture of my rating on Talk915, I would like to underline that I have achieved this rating in a very short time.

Feel free to ask my regular students about my classes.

Hope to hear from you soon ;)


Teacher Luca

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