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Lingvatica <> - 2014-03-27

Russian online language school Lingvatica is looking for additional ESl teachers form GREAT BRITAIN to keep up with the growing flow of students. We offer all the advantages of working from home according a flexible schedule and an efficient school management.
The position description:
-providing one-on-one classes for students who speak mainly Russian (45, 60 or 90 minutes)
-we expect applicants to be able to devote approximately from 5 to 30 hours of availability per week (including weekdays and weekends). Please be informed that your employment (amount of working hours) will increase gradually, provided that you succeed with the initially given students.
- the most requested time for classes is 17:00-23:00 p.m. Moscow time (GMT+3). A work day starting 8:00 a.m. till 17:00 is possible.
- we are especially interested in those teachers who can teach special courses, like – business English, exam preparations, English for travelers, medical specialists, lawyers, construction workers, and management and an accent reduction course (pronunciation coaching). Experience in professions related to those just listed will be considered. Programs in these courses are being discussed with our methodologist.

- a teachers fees is:
general English - $12 per class 45 minutes, 16 $ per class 60 minutes , 24$ – per class 90 minutes
special courses - $13 per class 45 minutes, 17 $ per class 60 minutes , 25$ – per class 90 minutes
- payments are made via PayPal the 2-d and 16-th of every month,

Requirements for applicants:
- must be a native English speaker with a neutral British accent, authentic intonation and pronunciation,
- must hold a recognized University degree or have a recognized CELTA, TESOL,TEFL qualification.
- must have at least 3 years ESL teaching experience.
- must have a passion for teaching, excellent communication skills, be energetic, highly-motivated and friendly.
- must be able to commit to a minimum of one year,

- must have accent coach experience if you wish to apply for an accent reduction course.

- for an exam preparation course (FCE, CAE, IELTS, TOEIC, and TOEFL) should have experience in assisting students to pass them successfully
- for teaching other special courses should have knowledge of vocabulary in certain areas
- must have a headset (headphones and a microphone), a reliable Internet connection, and a quiet working environment.
- must be ready to fill out a detailed application form and file a scanned copy of your diploma or/and certificate.
If you are interested, please forward your CV/Resume and a recent photo to

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