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Brooks Online English <> - 2016-01-26

Learning English-Our Doorstep to Success

I am an English teacher for 6 years now. My students are from all over the world mostly Koreans,Japanese,Taiwanese, Italians,Russians,Spanish and Arabs. I am writing this forum to inspire Koreans of all ages to participate in the global competition because I believe in the abilities of modern Korean generation. Through English, we can participate and compete in world trade,our undertakings will be smooth because English is the international language.

I am now starting an online English school, Brooks Online English-with the hope that I can reach more people who wish to be successful in their own ways- achieve their definition of SUCCESS- be it in passing English standard exams, (TOEIC,OPIC, IELTS, etc), basic english, free talking, travels, business english, conversational english, or public speaking.

I feel so happy to teach, I let my students make as many mistakes in front of me so they will not make the same mistakes in public like me because I know how it feels to be embarrassed, to be laughed at, to be rejected, to fail, to be humiliated. I teach them to be confident and learn from their hearts because the mind forgets, the heart doesn’t. I do NOT let them memorise or used their minds to learn, I make them learn and speak from their hearts. Over the years, I am so happy seeing my students more successful than me. They get good jobs and earn good money and they come back to me and say THANK YOU in chats, just a simple message from them makes me feel so great. To see them get promotions or get hired or pass TOEIC is a real joy in my heart.


Any questions please get in touch.

Dee Brooks

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