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lester <> - 2016-06-04

British English Tutor Online

I am a certified TEFL English teacher online, with 16 years experience face to face,all cultures and ages. I speak Chinese and have experience of living in Asia for 8 years.

I am looking for potential one on one students

I offer the following:
1. Experienced in all language learning areas.
2. Relative Practical,and interesting lessons.
3. Lessons that are centered around your needs, ambitions, lifestyle, schedule and sensibilities
4. Help prepare for Exams
5. Business English
6. Business writing
7. Self presentation skills
8. Document writing and corrections
9. Customized Feedback reports
10. I will research your individual request and you can reschedule anytime free of charges and obligations.
11. an email address which we will communicate, file share.
12. I have a BLOG where you can find all extra and additional English learning tools,and materials.
13. IT remote assistance, Web cam learning.
14. All study material, and workbooks, audio tools are included, from the Pearson book collection.

Connect with me on Skype: lesteredcom, and I will provide testimonials and references.

You will Obtain the following Skills:
Increased Fluency
Skills to be able to learn on your own, when there is no teacher around.
Understand Spoken English context and many other special language skills that are directly sourced from my linguistic degree background.
Reading with beautiful pronunciation

I have 16 years experience, face to face and online collectively
TEFL Certified
BA Linguistics
BA History of Art

All transactions are done via Paypal, class fees =15 USD an hour session,or 10 British Pounds

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