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Angelfaith Nabunat <> - 2016-07-29

Hi! I'm Faith. I'm patient, driven and shrewd in listening. I'm patient, this boils down to a lot of facets about my personality i.e I push really hard in areas I want to excel in and so much more. Having said so, I've realized the patterns, mindset and thought process of students who are keen on gearing up their spoken skills relative to the high demands of global connectivity, economic and industrial affairs and with just the impulse or a need to be associated with this language.

I started in this industry early 2012 making it 4 years of experience tops, since then I've come to teach students of all ages and from different nationalities like Chinese , Korean, Japanese, Mexican, Italian, Turkish and Russians. I taught children as early as 5 to adults at their 60s so that's basically all of the levels there are. materials are of variety and each company I worked for have their own platform and books. I’m more into freestyle kind of conversation where I get to incorporate strict listening from where considerate corrections are imparted.

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