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Korina <> - 2017-05-08

***ALO7 URGENT HIRING- STEADY TUTORING*** – We are in need of 600+ tutors (Native English speakers from US, Canada, UK, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand)

Hello! I’m Korina from ALO7. I work for the company as a recruiter/ mentor/ tutor. I do daily interviews and conduct mock classes of candidates. I also do tutoring for 1-1 and group classes. Pay is $15-$22 an hour (USD), depending on the number and type of classes you do in a given period. Alo7 is a start up by PhD graduate from MIT Media Lab. We are unique as Alo7 is a digital curriculum developer/provider for over 5,000 partner schools in 200+ cities in China. We offer flexible and steady-type classes, easy operation and little prep time for our tutors (we have our own interactive courseware, curriculum, all classes have lesson plans). All students are from educational institutions. The classes are 25 minutes, and you get paid even if the students don’t show up. For any questions regarding our company, you can directly email me —- or message me on WeChat: korinacruz ———– We are very accommodating with our candidates. If you don’t do too well on your first mock class/need further mentoring, we provide feedback and let you do your mock class again + training. We give $45 new tutor experience fee (you’ll receive this fee on your first payment cycle once you start teaching for us), you can use my referral link: ————- ————– ^-^

Official email Alo7:
Ramping up for June and July on board. Massive classes will come in July for 1 to 3. We are getting ready. We are hiring 600 new tutors before then. All of our classes for 1 to 3 last 20 to 40 weeks. This is the time to prove to large institutions that Alo7 and online tutoring can benefit them and their students. Thus meeting the need of hiring 600 tutors is absolutely important. Once schools have confidence in our platform and tutoring services, many more classes will come with variety of classes (middle school, TOEFL, etc). We are also trying to work with schools to extend hours. This will benefit all of our tutors down the road. Many thanks for your support!

We work with largest enrichment schools in China. All students take offline class with Alo7’s curriculum and review the session with you online. Most children go to enrichment schools after schools. These enrichment schools are large public traded companies in NYSE (New Oriental) or in Shanghai Stock Exchange (Only Education), etc. They bundle their sales of offline classes with online classes. Their biggest enrollment season is March, July and September.

To meet the enrollment of thousands of students starting July. We don’t have any choice, but continue our hiring. As the current number of tutors will not be able to meet the demand for July. Give that candidates do take some time to be on board, this is the perfect time for July ramping up. As I shared with you, we do need 600 new tutors. Some programs in the summer are for July and August. However many programs are on going way beyond summer 20 to 40 week program. Thus if you have friends who just want to work with us for the summer, they are welcome to apply as well in addition to others who want to work with us for a much longer period.

*Tutor rating system and reward plan to be in alignment with our Agreement. * *We are working on the details of our plan and will share with you before it goes alive. * *We know we are not perfect, but we are trying very hard to improve. Really appreciate your collaboration and your support. *

Feel free to email me for any inquiries about our company, tutoring, tips on passing our mock class ^^

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