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John Struble <> - 2014-05-17

I am an American that has taught at an international English academy and online for almost 4 years.

I have taught: pronunciation, grammar, idioms, expressions, vocabulary, slang, IELTS, TOEIC, TOEFL and lots of CONVERSATIONAL English.

My favorite conversation topics are: Cultural differences, Economics, News and Travel.

I am also offering help with college papers. Recently I started helping a Venezuelan that is working on her masters degree in America. So far I have written a dozen papers and have gotten perfect scores (100%) on each paper. If you need help with your college papers. I can do a great job.

In conversational English it is important for you to know what is "correct formal" English and also what is commonly spoken. You will learn the differences of what is correct and what is common.

Rate is $10 per hour

thank you
John :)
email is:
Skype: john_struble

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