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Jon <> - 2014-07-08

Hello, My name is Jon

I am an experienced online instructor with over 17 years of experience in education. I hold a Masters degree in education. Please visit my web page for all my details. It is listed below. I am located in the Philippines and my time zone is GMT plus 8, the same as Hong Kong China. So the first thing you should consider is it convenient to take online lessons from 8 AM to 8 PM my time. Most of Asia and the Pacific rim will have similar time.

My lessons are tailored to each students needs. We can do anything you want, using textbooks and worksheets, or simply having structured conversation. It is up to the student. I have been a certified teacher in the U.S. and have years of experience planning lessons for students from primary school to the University level.

My fees also are flexible, some preparation intensive lessons will be a little higher to cover my offline preparation time. I give discounts for long term study with prepayment. All lessons have to be paid in advance. I use Paypal for remittances. I offer one free lesson so you can determine if my classes are right for you. No pressure. I really believe we should have a good student teacher relationship and have fun as we learn English.

I can teach using Skype internet call software. This is the easiest and most accessible; all you need is a Skype account, and it is free.

I hope this answers some of your questions. Feel free to ask more questions via email or contact me on Skype “roamertop” to chat and schedule a free online lesson.

Best regards, Jon

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