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fred <> - 2014-08-29

Hi! My name is Fred. :)

Learn to speak fluent, natural American English with online English lessons. Get a better job, travel abroad, or pass an English exam easily. I will correct your pronunciation and grammar mistakes, and after just a few lessons you will speak with much more confidence!

Many of my students now have high-paying jobs and successful careers with foreign companies. Other students have traveled abroad and got high scores on IELTS, TOEFL and TOEIC tests.

Olga, from Russia: "Fred is a great teacher! He can find the right method for learning English for each student. His lessons are interesting and full of useful information. I completely stopped using the dictionary at the lessons in a short time. I feel that my English became better and it’s great! Thank you Fred!”

Start now ==>> :)

What Is Each Lesson Like?

To get the best results, we will focus on your goals. If there is something that you need help with, or something that you want to do, I am here to help you.

I have many English materials and we will have fun using many different activites to learn English. You can also bring what you want to study to the lessons. I love answering questions! Bring your questions, articles, writing, or anything you want to learn or discuss.

Yari, from Italy: “Fred’s lessons are great! You get to learn pure American English, from grammar to idioms. Thanks to Fred I’ve improved my comprehension skills and I feel much more confident speaking in public.”

How Much Does It Cost?

Don't worry, even though I have over 12 years of full-time professional experience, the price is only $97 for 5 lessons.

Online lessons are the fastest and easiest way to improve your English! With online English lessons you get more personal attention than you get in a school classroom, and you improve faster than using video or audio courses.

Start now ==>> :)

Payment and Scheduling Is Easy.

First, pay with any credit card or Paypal. Then just schedule Lessons on my online calendar. This is my full-time job so it's easy to find a time to meet. Lessons are 60 minutes; have a lesson once or twice a week, or every day- it’s up to you.

Schedule your FREE TRIAL LESSON here ==>> :D

Alex, from Russia: “Fred is brilliant teacher. It is difficult to find someone like him. I study one time a week. On the lessons, I speak and listen non stop, because a practice is a main thing in a studying (after the teacher professionalism). I recommend to try the lesson. Absolutely sure, you like it! Have a luck!”

About Me

I'm American and in 2001 I moved to Vietnam and started teaching English full-time.

I have taught in language centers, colleges, universities, high schools, companies, and private lessons in students' homes. My students are Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced; we work on General English, Business English, TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC and more.

I've worked with students from Russia, Brazil, Peru, China, Hungary, Ukraine, Spain, Germany, Italy... and others.

Now it's YOUR turn! I really look forward to meeting you, getting to know you, and helping you with your English.


Visit my website here ==>> :)

Andrey, from Russia: “Earlier I learned English myself with varying success, but though I got something result and spent 10 years my verbal English didn’t become better. Then I thought took English Lesson by Skype and found Fred’s site. After some time I became to speak much better. Thanks to You, Fred”

English Teacher Fred
Since 2001
Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
General English – Business English – IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC
Conversation – Idioms – Pronunciation – Grammar – Fluency

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