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John Fritz (Teacher Johnny!!) <> - 2014-11-02

Hi there!!! I'm Johnny and I'm an American. I've been teaching English to Koreans, Japanese, Taiwanese and also Vietnamese students for about 4 years now. I grew up in Denver, Colorado in the US, but I have been living in the Philippines For almost 6 years. I have done a lot in life. I was a banker for 7 years, a DJ, a call center representative and trainer, but I have to say that teaching English is the best experience so far. As a teacher, I've come to realize that speaking is a habit. The way we speak, our rhythm, the vocabulary we use and even the way we think, is a habit. Would you like to be in the "Habit" of speaking and thinking in English? In other words, Do you want to become fluent in English? If your answer is "Yes!!" (notice the exclamation points) then try my lessons. I use a variety of topics, but my focus is on vocabulary and speaking skills. By "speaking skills" I mean the way to approach or think about questions before you answer. These skills are important for building a good English conversation and they add variety to your speaking. I have lessons for students of all levels and I can customize my lessons to fit your needs. If you need to practice speaking for IELTS or TEOFL, I can definitely help you. I can be your Personal Trainer. So let's have some fun and allow me to provide you with an English speaking routine. Send me a message at or add me on Skype and message me there. Skype ID: johnny.fritz35. See you soon!

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