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Globallingos <> - 2015-08-27

We are looking for language teachers from all over the world to join up for free and enjoy being part of our fun and lively online community from around the world. You will be able to promote your self in your own feature packed profile and be able to contact any of the international members.

We have been working hard to complete the site and Would be happy for you to submit an email indicating that you would be happy to be part of our community.

If you are interested then please goto the following link and fill in your details. If you dont have a video of you just yet dont worry as you can add this to your profile later.

Once you have been accepted we will give you access to the teacher profile section where you can simply login and fill in your account details.

There is no fee taken from us at all! We are just building the community and when you teach classes or students you will recieve all the money for it! We would also love it if you had friends or students to come and visit this site and enjoy all the fun and interaction of learning languages.

Please Visit the site.

Also please visit and join our facebook Community

Link to register

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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