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ahmed <> - 2016-01-22

You are an expat in Cairo and you aim to
• Communicate better in Egyptian Arabic in your everyday life.
• Enrich your Arabic vocabulary and culture.
• Improve your grammar and your pronunciation.
• Focus on conversation (ECA) or on reading and writing (MSA).

My private Arabic courses are made for you!

I'm a professional Arabic language teacher from Cairo with a standard Egyptian Arabic accent.
I have helped people from many different countries and backgrounds to develop successfully their language skills and increase their confidence in Arabic language

The lessons take place at your home or anywhere else. As part of a genuine tailor-made training program, each course is personalized to meet your needs and level: improve your spoken Arabic, be comfortable making a phone call or going shopping, deal with your business tasks, prepare for a professional interview or an exam…
In a relaxed atmosphere, face to face with your private tutor, you will progress faster. And don't forget:
Whatever your level is, I make the course to suit you!
For further information and pricing, please email me at:

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