Private Tutors - any language
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Pop On App <> - 2016-07-07

Who are we looking for?
We are looking for fluent or proficient English speakers to help language learners improve their English conversation skills.
How will I help people learn English?

You will be helping students improve their English by guiding them through a casual conversation, answering questions, and helping them overcome any specific difficulties in their language studies. This is a “Spare Time” job that you can do anywhere, anytime! All you need is a good internet connection & a smart phone!

How do I make money?
Most of your sessions will last 5 minutes. These sessions are considered "free trials" for our students; however, you will still receive a bonus payment of $0.50 on top of that for up to 50 sessions per day. That's up to $6.00 an hour, just for chatting with people from home! You can also do paid services on our App and will receive a bonus on top of that as well!

Know someone who wants to learn a language or teach others? Invite your friends & make money!
- If your friend downloads the App using your invitation code, you will get $1
- If your friend becomes a language helper on our app and provides service, you will get $9

- Fluent or proficient English speakers
- Able to lead students in a conversation
- Must have current Apple or Android phone

How do I apply?
IMPORTANT: Please use the following reference number ESLTEACHERSBOARDCHINA when you fill out your application in the link below:

Please go to the webpage below to complete your application:

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