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Articles for Teachers

Why Quitting Teaching Is Not An Option
By:Jurinsthea Smith

It is no wonder that the teaching profession is one tedious job. Being a mentor you tend to conduct classroom discussions, prepare your lessons for the following day, correct papers, discipline students, attend faculty meetings and so much more. In fact, what we only see now is just the tip of the iceberg of the many things they usually perform and carry out every day. However should you decide on quitting teaching, this is one solution you must not pursue.

With the many things that you tend to do every single day, quitting is actually not an option. Regardless if endless papers tend to flow to your table waiting for your attention, there are still things in the academe that you can enjoy. Furthermore, there are items in your profession that are reasons enough for you to stay. Let me enumerate it below.

Item 1: Students. Your students are dependent on you. They entrust their lives and their education in your hands. Thus, if ever you would leave the academe, tendency you won't have the opportunity to aid them in their quest for knowledge and education. Thus, if ever you are already close or inclined to your students which normally how teachers are to them, it would be best to stick with the profession because of how rewarding these individuals could be.

Item 2: Money. Although we may say that the teaching profession's salary is not that big, nonetheless it is still money at the end. If currently the said career is your bread and butter it would be best not to quit it. As such, if you believe your current salary is low, leaving it is no answer. You will be left out with no money in the process should you be looking for another work or employment. As a matter of fact, there are still many avenues for you to earn even if you are still a teacher like tutoring to some of your students.

Item 3: Satisfaction. It has been noted before and again that the teaching profession is one noble profession. Indeed it is. In fact this is only the career where you will be emotionally satisfied because every single day is like reaching to others in this case your students. Much more, it is also nice to hear that your students go back to you and thank you for the lessons you had imparted to them. Without teachers, there would be no doctors, engineers, lawyers and other professions who helped them become what they want to be.

With all these items and more, these are reasons enough not to leave. In fact, it is a vocation that only a few are suitable. If ever you are a teacher right now, thank the opportunity that it has molded you to become one. You will soon realize that quitting teaching is indeed never an option.

Thinking of quitting teaching? Then better read first http://teachersbusiness.com/teachersmakemoneyonline.

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