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Texas ISD School Guide
Texas ISD School Guide

Articles for Teachers

Careers - Considering Teaching
By:Pam Donaldson

Being a teacher is definitely a different and odd kind of job to have. There are things that go along with being a teacher that don't apply to any other job you can think of in the world. If you are really quite sure yet if you truly want to be a teacher these differences many very well help you make up your mind. If you choose to overlook these oddities they could drive you to quit after a period of time.

Whether you have made a definite choice or good still go either way it's good to know what you are getting into in becoming a teacher. You cannot just use the restroom or eat whenever you want to. In most job situations if you feel the need to use the restroom you just do it. This is not the case if you are a teacher. If you have to go during class you are going to have to hold it until a specified break comes up.

If you are used to eating your lunch at a set time you had better get 'un-used' to it. There will be many times that your lunch time will be cut down or even eliminated for that matter because a student has questions or some type of emergency that you must help them deal with.

There is also going to more expected of you than you might think. On top of retaining all of the information you learned in training to become a teacher you are going to have to learn things that are specific to your school. It is also highly likely that you are going to have to be involved in activities outside the classroom such as sports whether you are interested in them or not.

You will have much less free time. Your day is not over just because class is. More times than not teachers find themselves bring work home with them every day and spend a great deal of time at home planning the schedule for the next day. Summers off -Don't get too excited about the thought of having two months off every year. You will be required to participate in continuing education classes and summers are going to be the only time available for this.

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