English Learning Tips For Students
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Manny Poohquiao

Learning English is not just about expanding your vocabulary or making flowery sentences filled with metaphor and poetic statements. The English language may be one of the first things you learned as a kid, but mastering the language takes a lot of practice and commitment. Every now and then, you have to brush up on your English skills to use the language clearly and effectively.

Studying Grammar

Proper grammar is the backbone of effective English. Many people tend to expand their vocabulary without learning how to use words properly, and arrange them together to create a coherent thought. It may embarrass some people to learn the basics of the English language all over again, but the best writers and speakers always brush up on the essential elements of English. When studying grammar, always keep the following pointers in mind:

* Parts of speech. Verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions may all sound like grade school concepts, but you'd be surprised to know how many people do not know what they are. While parts of speech are second-nature to English speakers and writers, it always pays off to brush up on these concepts every now and then by reading a textbook on grammar.

* Syntax. Paragraphs are made up of sentences, sentences are made from phrases and clauses, and phrases and clauses are made with words. The way words are arranged to form a coherent thought is called syntax. If you're not sure how to use a particular element of speech, consult your grammar textbook to see how a particular word should be used.

* Punctuation. Punctuation marks can make all the difference between the proper tone of the sentence, and a different tone than you expect to convey to the reader or the listener. Know when to use periods, question marks, or exclamation points to end a sentence. You can also break up long sentences with commas, semicolons, and colons. Just remember when to use them; again, if you're confused about when to use a punctuation mark, consult your grammar textbook.

Studying Spelling

Now that you have the rules of grammar memorized and applied, it's time to focus on your spelling skills. You don't have to memorize every entry in the dictionary or the encyclopedia to learn proper spelling, but it helps to have a pocket dictionary on hand to help you spell a confusing or complicated word. Spelling is very important, especially if you're writing a letter, a paper, or a story in English. Here are two important things you have to remember when refreshing your spelling skills:

* American English spelling and British English spelling are both acceptable in communication. The words "theater" and "center" in American English mean the same as "theatre" and "centre" spelled in British English. Depending on where you live, you can use either American or British forms of spelling as long as you are consistent with how you spell a word or construct a clause.

* Use a thesaurus. Spelling complicated words correctly may win you a Spelling Bee trophy, but it's almost the case that you'll find a simple, common word that can replace a complicated one. Simpler words are also clearer and easier to understand than complicated ones. Consult a pocket thesaurus every now and then to pick a simpler word to convey the exact same message as the complicated word.

Speaking English

For some people, speaking English properly is more difficult than writing in English. Public speaking and effective English communication is very important not only for business, but also if you want to impress your audience. Here are some pointers to remember:

* Pronunciation. Always watch out for how you pronounce words. Good pronunciation is essential especially if you want to emphasize a point, or if you don't want to lead your listeners into thinking that you don't know what you're talking about.

* Diction is very important when you want to put your message across in the right way, and in the most impressive way. Do not mumble or mutter out your words when you speak. Make sure that you do your best to pronounce syllables as clearly as you can, but do not bore your audience.

* Code-switching is a problem especially for people who do not use English as their mother tongue, or for people who are fluent with other languages and use them as frequently as English. People may switch between English and Chinese, French, Dutch, and other languages. While this is acceptable in some circles, it is still best for you to speak straight, direct English.

Learn the complete guide on How To Learn English http://www.monsterguide.net/how-to-learn-english.shtml, by visiting Monster Guide http://www.monsterguide.net/.

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