English Learning Tips For Students
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Here's some basic information to help you brush up on adjectives and adverbs. Using adjectives and adverbs in your writing can help make it more interesting.


Adjectives and adverbs are modifiers. That means they describe or give additional information about another word in a sentence. They are not always necessary to the sentence. Sometimes they can be taken out and the sentence would still make sense.


The thing to remember about adjectives is that they describe nouns and pronouns in a sentence. They add detail to your writing by giving the reader more information.


Sarah kicked the blue ball. In this sentence blue is the adjective and it is modifying the noun, ball.


Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs. A helpful thing to remember is that a lot of adverbs end in -ly.


Tom quickly ran the race. Quickly is the adverb in this sentence and it is modifying the verb ran.


Suddenly, blinding light filled the room. Suddenly is the adverb in this sentence and it is modifying the adjective blinding.

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