English Learning Tips For Students
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Eve Lopez

Learning how to speak English is daunting but doable. Best learned in a classroom, studying how to speak English alone can be challenging. Students can incorporate home studies with a classroom or a language partner. Speaking English involves not only speaking, but knowing how to respond to another person's speaking. In this way, studying English speaking encompasses two skills: speaking and listening.

Find someone to speak with. According to the popular communicative method of language learning, speaking is just one of four essential parts of learning a new language. The others are listening, reading and writing. One cannot learn how to speak English without learning how to listen. Therefore, finding at least one other person to practice speaking English with is essential. It doesn't matter what is discussed with a language partner, the important part is to converse; do not just follow a prewritten script. That's not speaking--that's reading.

Watch television. Not only is it an excellent way to practicing listening, but students can pause TV programs and practice their skills in a number of ways. One way is to repeat what they've heard a character say. Another way is to verbally comment on the scene. Another is to respond to a character out loud. While talking to a television might seem a bit silly, it's an easy way to study. Beginning students should stick to 30-minute or one-hour shows and stay away from movies. With a TV series, the story line can go on for several years. This gives the English student the chance to study intonation and become familiar with several different speakers.

Practice as much as possible. The only true method of learning how to speak English is by speaking it. In some cultures, speaking is the most difficult skill for students to practice because of the fear of making a mistake. Relax. Mistakes must be made before any progress is made. Practicing speaking English is especially optimal with a native English speaker, but another learner is better than nothing. Don't be afraid to not be perfect. No one's English is perfect. Practicing is the only way to try to get as perfect as possible.

Join an English conversation group. The Internet is filled with groups and meetups. The only rule of a conversation class or group should be that only English speaking is allowed, no matter what. An English dictionary that's translated from the learner's native language will help.

Use Internet resources. Websites like ones from the University of California, Berkeley, have free resources for people learning English. Look in the Resources section for audio clips for English language students.

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