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Ellis E. Seamone - 2004-08-10

Dear Eddie,

Like so many others, I am most impressed with your accomplishments and contacts made in the PRC thus far, however, if you will forgive me, I find that I must counter much of what you have said about WHAT to expect once one lands on Chinese soil.

1. You are a teacher not a tourist - Realize you are coming to China to
teach and not to be a full time tourist.

>I agree that I originally came to the PRC with all the qualifications required to teach English, as should be the case for ALL persons who have set out on a teaching expedition. However, why do we continue to see
"tourist dream jobs" being advertised on the internet that neglect to give the applicant a clear job description and selection criterion that is specific, inclusive of detailed responsibilities.

2. You are considered an expert, so behave like one. Realize if you are not qualified to teach ESL or English, by all means prepare before arrival. There is no excuse for not being prepared prior to arrival.

>Yes, people who come to China and who further claim to meet the selection criterion should demonstrate, by their actions, that they are professional in their work. The surprise to foreigners is that they are asked to be professional "actors." What does a teacher do when he/she knows that they have to perform like an actor to a "paying audience" and be asked to portray themselves falsely? Examples: (a) a co-worker was expected to "act" the role of a foreign expert -- something far removed from the original job description and the individual's qualifications; (b) he was also advertised as having "a title" -- "Professor" so and so -- to clear the way for his employer to boast and entice fee-paying students to enroll.

3. You are expected to follow China's laws and regulations. Realize if you
have trouble with rules and regulations, don't come. It's expected for you
to conform.

>I believe that when in Rome do as the Romans do. But when you witness
young students being physically abused, encouraged to cheat, given no
sense of self, demoralized in public and forced to conform or be alienated ... with all due respect, NO, I cannot allow myself to condone or conform to such behavior. I have yet to see the laws that protect minors from inappropriate emotional and psychological maltreatment! Believe me, had I known the truth about this state of affairs in Chinas educational system (primary schools, in particular), I would not have gone in the first bloody place.

4. If you want to study Chinese, come as a student and not as a teacher.
Realize schools hate a teacher who shirks his/her duties in order to study
Chinese. Don't be a freeloader.

>Serving under a respectful and just system is an honor and a privilege, but what do teachers do when their appeals for help and assistance are ignored? Can those persons be blamed or driven to "get even" or take what they can to meet their needs?

5. If you want to preach Christianity from the classroom, realize teachers
in Western countries can't, so don't try here.

>To merely conduct one's life in China as a NON-PREACHING Christian is certainly no skin off anybody's nose. Ergo, in this case, religion is, and should be, a lesson delivered STRICTLY THROUGH OBSERVATION and for anyone to emulate at will. There has certainly NEVER been preaching of any religion in my classrooms ANYWHERE in the world! But I'll be damned if I am going to stop demonstrating Christian values in my manners and outward behavior.

6. If you want to promote some form of politics in the classroom, realize
you will find yourself in serious trouble with the school and possibly on
your way home.

>I have learned that no matter where you are in the world, discussing politics will end you up in hot water IF you hold a marginal point of view.

7. If you love to complain, realize the school officials and teachers won't listen. Teachers who gripe about everything are avoided like the plague.

>Yes, you are right in saying the school officials will not listen. However, that applies ONLY if you make trivial complaints that are defaming and unfounded. Doubtless, a working harmony is important with the Chinese people. But where is there room for the LEGITIMATE complaints regarding poor working conditions and breach of contract? Search me!


>The paranoia that affects foreign teachers begins when they realize that they are totally alone and without support from their employers.

>I would recommend that you have a cordial, "business" relationship with your FAO (Foreign Affairs Officer). He or she will be your friend ONLY IF you do everything you are told and, most of all, you do not rock the boat. Sadly, you are not aware, until it is too late, that friendships are bought and sold in China. Through your example, you earn the students' respect and cooperation; the rest will take care of itself. Stay focused on the students' welfare. Do not take to heart the ofttimes cold attitude of officials, as they do not want to become a friend of a foreigner, and this might be perceived as a threat to the "in-group," while you are seen as part of the "out-group."

>Finally, most ESL instructors are in China with an objective in mind: to render their expertise to the steady progress of English learning in a different and most fascinating culture. Their task should NEVER be held back by those who feel that nurturing their petty prejudices and huge egos is more important than attempting to view life as perceived by their foreign experts. Granted China's culture and history go back further than any other, one is never TOO young or TOO accomplished to learn something new. Ergo, whilst in the midst of our goal, we must exert extra strength to forgive our opponents and ever extend our hand in friendship, with the fervent hope that ONE DAY we may all work in a TOTALLY united manner.

Love to all,

Messages In This Thread
Culture Shock -- Proper Expectations/Realizations - China -- Eddie Mills -- 2004-08-06
Re: Culture Shock -- Proper Expectations/Realizations - China -- DoS -- 2004-08-10
Re: Culture Shock -- Proper Expectations/Realizations - China -- Ellis E. Seamone -- 2004-08-10
Re: Culture Shock -- Proper Expectations/Realizations - China -- King lee -- 2004-08-07
Re: Culture Shock -- Proper Expectations/Realizations - China -- Li -- 2004-08-06
Re: Culture Shock -- Proper Expectations/Realizations - China -- Elizabeth Kiderlen -- 2004-08-07
Re: Culture Shock -- Proper Expectations/Realizations - China -- Eddie -- 2004-08-07
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