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Alan - 2004-10-13

Dear Gertrude, and all dear teachers!

You're right. These bullies do exist (not live), and we can avoid them. Please check my site: http://www.geocities.com/victoryolife/contractkr
it teaches teachers how to Read / Write contracts.



A union can start, as one of you dear ones said it, from small gatherings in each area/city.

We each can start where we are. That's how anything starts anyway!:)

We don't have to call it a 'Union' - specially if it is in a country with a totalitarian regime and Mafia gangs controlling the cities (like in a few of SE Asian countries).

Instead we can call our gatherings 'Teachers Circle', 'Teacher Buddies', ... No matter where - we can MOVE TOWARDS THE GOAL OF CREATING THE "TEACHERS SIBLINGHOOD"

The smaller groups in a city, can meet once a week, and all of them can meet in a big party, once a month in a nice ballroom. I am sure a bunch of good connections, and even future marriages will spring from these parties.
The future is in our hands and in the great creator's who certainly wants us to care for, and to support each other more and more.

For example: We can gather our friend teachers from our neighborhood, in a coffee shop, once a week, and just enjoy chatting with each other. But have a rule or two for the meeting, so that it does stay based on love and care.
For example we can say: 1-we are here to help and to empower the group (not to discourage each other). 2- We are here to enjoy our time and to help each other and other teachers around the globe.

The teacher friends when gathered, normally tend to help each other when organized to avoid discord. Teacher, when gathered, are seen to be:
A- Giving each other information. How to have a better school life. How to teach easily and successfully. How to make friends with your school's staff and management. ...

B- Giving legal advice, or guide the person to a place where they can get legal advice. There are plenty of free 'Legal Aid' places, even in the 3rd world countries.

C- Giving a hand, if a teacher has to leave a school, so she/he does not feel alone against the world!!

D- Build a Power Group.Most 'bully Employers' are afraid of groups. If in fear, have the group visit each member's school during the break time. Soon the employers get the message that this person is not abusable because he/she is not "alone". (Just about all Orientals, think a 'lone' person is weak and easy to abuse. That's why it is hard to find an oriental person alone!)
Women also will specially benefit from 'showing off their foreign male friends' at their workplaces, if there is a fear of 'sexual harassment', for example.

Also the group can help with simple sharing of info. For example in case of anyone in your group wanting to enter a new contract, with any employer in Korea, Japan, Thailand, China, or anywhere else in the world, you can suggest to them to read this post, before: http://www.geocities.com/victoryolife/contractkr There they will learn a bit about 'how to find tricks in employment contracts', and about 'how to add a sentence in the contract to save them from a year of unhappiness at a school!


Lets create the "TEACHERS SIBLINGHOOD" from today, and let it begin with me and you!

What we can do to start a group?
We can give a few fliers to the teachers of the schools nearby, and we can ask them to join if they like, in posting posters in our area and in the main shopping areas where teachers frequent.

The poster, can read something like:
We meet at the Joe's Cafe in BMV Mall
This Saturday 7 to 9 PM.
If you see a white man in blue shirt,
wave, and we will meet!

There you can ask them "How can we make a group to really strengthen the teachers position?"

Allow each group the freedom to design its own destiny, at the same time that we all can keep in touch and enrich our international group. The Union will come by itself!

"Think Globally, Act Locally!" Said the Yogi on the rooftop!


Our friend in Japan! Please tell us more about the union in Japan. It can be a very nice group to join and to build on to!

We grow in happiness and love!

The frequency of the light from monitors does cause temporary dyslexia in me. I must read my messages after a day or two, so to find the mistakes in it!! Go figure!
So, try to understand my Internet notes, by using dedyslexifier glasses8) :b

Messages In This Thread
'The TEACHERS UNION is working for You!' -- Alan -- 2004-10-12
Working Together -- Richard -- 2004-11-22
Fixing the problems -- Gertrude -- 2004-10-13
I agree with your union idea -- agent -- 2004-10-13
unions are illegal in china -- q -- 2004-10-16
Debugging the esl workforce -- Bertha -- 2004-10-13
I don't -- Dos -- 2004-10-14
It's time to make a stand-not a one night one! -- Gertrude -- 2004-10-13
UNION from SMALL TEACHERS GROUPS! -- Alan -- 2004-10-13
Unions -- Dos -- 2004-10-14
yeah,right -- me -- 2004-10-13
It's not rocket science! -- Gertie -- 2004-10-13
I've got a better idea -- resurrected -- 2004-10-12
Are you a drunk??? -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-10-12
Do unto others as you would have others do unto you -- thelaw -- 2004-10-13
Wow, another ESL scholar and in law! I'm impressed -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-10-13
question: -- curious -- 2004-10-13
the gripe board -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-10-13
oh really -- oh really -- 2004-10-28
Oh really...really -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-10-30
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